Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the typical process for starting services?

Please check out our What to Expect page for detailed information on this process!

+ What age range does ETC work with?

We work with children between 2 and 18 years old. There can be exceptions to this range depending on the situation, but most of the children we work with fall between those ages.

+ Do I have to drive to the clinic for all of my child’s sessions?

Not necessarily. ABA therapy is well known for being effective through implementing interventions in your child’s natural environment. We can perform ABA therapy in your home, in your child’s school and even in the community. We will work with you to accommodate your busy schedule and create a therapy schedule that fits into your daily life.

+ Do you provide transportation to the clinic?

We do not provide transportation, but can work with you on finding transportation services.

+ Do you accept gifts for the holidays?

Our ethical code discourages the acceptance of gifts; we do, however, accept and appreciate donations made to our clinic that can be enjoyed by all of our kids!